About Us
St. Cletus is a very active parish, evident in the numerous ministries, organizations, and committees you will find here. We hope that this website serves as a stepping stone for your greater involvement here at St. Cletus.
While people may think of a church as simply a building, it is the people of the parish that make St. Cletus so vibrant and wonderful. Central to our Catholic identity is our gathering to celebrate the holy sacrifice of the mass and receive our Lord in Holy Communion. Let us never forget that it is the Eucharist, our most treasured prayer, which gives us our Catholic identity. |
Mision Statement
Welcoming Christ in the Face of Others.
The St. Cletus parish family is a faith community empowered by the Holy Spirit and strengthened by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our leadership consists of laity and clergy working together.
We are part of the larger Archdiocese of St. Louis and thus act as one Body of Christ. Our mission is to proclaim the Good News in word and service; to celebrate the liturgies of praise, healing and thanksgiving; and to enable all the members to grow in their relationship with God and one another.
Current information about our church can be found in the Guide Book.