Meals for Priest Ministry
We minister to the parish priests by providing them with dinners. Our goals is to help them to feel like welcomed members of our St Cletus community. Just as they provide us with spiritual nourishment at Mass, we strive to provide them with physical nourishment. This sustainance gives them the strength they need to continue to serve our parish family day in and day out.
We may not be preparing the fanciest gourmet dishes, but we simply insure that our parish priests have a warm dinner after a long day. Our priest truly appreciate the meals. This is a great way to show our continued suport for their devotion to our parish family. |
We do not have regular meetings. Instead, we provide dinners three evenings each week for our parish priests: Sunday, Tuesday, and Friday. Our goal is to maintain a large enough roster of volunteers, in order that each volunteer is only responsible for providing one meal once every two months.
Volunteers utilize our Meal Train website to sign up for the dates that work best for them throughout the year. We also ask that our volunteers deliver the dinner they prepare to the rectory. |