Parish Council
Today many people are gifted and called to provide leadership in our parish. Such service to the parish strives to reflect the Gospel message, to develop a spirit of collaboration between pastors and people, and to effectively fulfill a variety of responsibilities within the parish.
Parish of St. Cletus Mission Statement Welcoming Christ in the Face of Others. Called to a Ministry of Leadership The ministry of our Parish Council clearly envisions the members of our parish becoming more responsible for leading the parish, a responsibility that is shared with the Parish Staff. Fundamentally Council members are chosen to be concerned with striving to understand how our faith in God invites, challenges, and promises us a new life. Not a life separate from our everyday lives, but an everyday life within which we easily know and experience the person, power, and presence of Jesus Christ. Toward this end the work of the Council strives to insure that through its work the following cores values will be guaranteed for the parish: Accountability That parish leaders act responsibly toward parish members, and parishioners toward each other. Representation That all have sufficient opportunity to be heard and to participate in decision making processes. Communication That information be reasonably available and that building healthy relationships with each other be a priority. Assistance That we strive to serve one another. Direction That we seek direction from God and cooperate with each other in giving direction to our parish life. |