Christmas Giving Tree
The Giving Tree Ministry's goal is to support local nonprofit organizations by collecting much needed and wanted items during the Advent season.
We help those in need during the season of giving, Advent, the four weeks leading up to Christmas. We selected three different groups to support, as well as tuition aid for our own parish school families. Birthright St. Charles provides aid to mothers throughout their pregnancy as well as necessary items for babies and mothers after birth. We have collected and delivered carloads of diapers, wipes, supplies for new mothers, sleepers, and baby items to St. Charles Birthright. The Foster Adoption Support Team (FAST) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating a lasting and direct impact on the lives of children and their families involved in the foster care system. We supply toys, gift cards, and young adult gifts such as razors, make up mirrors, and curling irons to FAST. Our Lady of Guadalupe is our sister parish located in St. Louis and supports a fulltime school. The parish joyfully offers acceptance and hope to all people. We bring carloads of paper towels, Kleenex, classroom games, and art supplies to the parish school. Each year we receive lists of needed items from each organization. Our volunteers make giving tree ornaments and list various needed items on each. We then ask St. Cletus parishioners to take ornaments from the tree, purchase items, and return them to church. Giving Tree Ministry volunteers organize the gifts and deliver them to before Christmas. In addition, Giving Tree Ministry also collects monetary donations to help support our own church and school families. Each year we are amazed at the overwhelming generosity shown by our parishioners. The organizations we support are overjoyed and beyond appreciative. |
We have one initial meeting in November to make ornaments and discuss scheduling for helping after each mass. The Giving Tree is set up in the back of church in time for mass on Thanksgiving Day. Ornaments are added to the tree each week and gifts are collected through the third week of Advent. Chairpersons:
Diane Weaver 314-304-4176 | [email protected] Janet Stahlschmidt 314-494-3061 | [email protected] |